Live Every Day to the Fullest

Shadow Dancing

Finally… instead of going out taking photos when our schedules allowed it… we decided to go out because there was weather in the forecast.  Sometimes you have to make time for the things that are important to you.

Tree Perch Vert

Never was that more clear than this week!  I have two friends in the hospital, and one recently out, all awaiting or have just undergone serious surgery.  It’s very scary to see people you love facing such a difficult time.  While in your heart, you know they will be ok, you can’t help but ache for their situation.

Milk Ranch Vu

It’s made worse by their having to go through it alone (due to covid restrictions), without their significant other by their side to hold their hand and keep their mind off of the upcoming surgery.

Tree Crevace

While I know my friends will be better as a result of the surgeries, it really gives you pause.  Enjoy life, every day!  Do the things one enjoys. And don’t take life for granted.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  One never knows what the future brings for any of us.


To Doug, Pat, and Meg:  Be safe, be well, and know that you are loved.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rock V

As I look out across the ridge, I am awe stuck by the beauty around me.  The skies opened up and cast this amazing glow as if to say, it’ll all be alright, life is beautiful and there is a lot more to see.


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